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Free Donation Directory: Animals

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The Animal Rescue Site - The sponsors donate money that could but about .6 cups of food. Donations are split between the North Shore Animal League America and The Fund For Animals.

Care2 Race for the Big Cats - You can have Care2 donate your free click to help the snow leopards, tigers, or jaguars. Donations go to the Wildlife Conservation Socitey. The race will end when a whooping 25,000 square miles of land have been protected. Each sponser pays for 1.3 acres of land per impression of their banner.

Care2 Race for the Primates - Care2 has pledged least $1 for every 1000 clicks on the Primates race. All donations go to the Jane Goodall Institute.

Care2 Help Race for the Ocean - Help ocean dwelling creatures like dolphins and sea otters by clicking the button. If you choose to recieve email alerts you can donate twice as much!

General Information about how you’re helping.

Every year millions of animals are abused or displaced from their homes. Tens of thousands of acres of rainforest, temperate forest, and other habitats are destroyed every year to make way for farms. More and more people are beginning to realize that the animals that we take for granted might not always be around. Thousands of animals become extinct each year. Most of those animals have never been studied before. They could have held valuable information that could help cure diseases or some thing else. Our pets must also be well cared for and be cherished until they pass away. Too many people abandon their pets to an uncertain future. Pounds and shelters are already overflowing with abandoned dogs, cats, and other assorted animals.

Other ways to help.

- Adopt a pet from your local pound or shelter.
- Keep your pet healthy and happy.
- Spay or neuter your pet if you don’t plan on letting them have offspring.
- Volunteer at your local pound or shelter.

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